Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Little Green Things

I attempt to do my best at living green, but it’s getting even tougher in this economy.

Three major ways I want and need to do to reduce my carbon footprint: My aging house needs new windows. Not in the budget. We also want a new energy-efficient furnace. Not this year, not in the foreseeable future. My husband needs to drive a new vehicle, not a 10-yr-old- needs-a-new-muffler-SUV. Again, not in the budget. These things irk me every day.

Sure, I’ve given up water bottles, use cloth bags instead of plastic, turn off running water and lights constantly, recycle religiously, reduce my driving, reuse everything I possibly can, and even repurpose old things into useful new items (see above). I also use only eco-friendly and recycled materials for my greeting cards.

Is this enough? I don’t think so, but right now I don’t have a choice. I hope that soon I will, for the sake of everyone’s and my own children.

In the meantime, I’ll just keep doing my own little green things.

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